Program Wizard/Program Editor:
SP Sample Preparation Options

On this page of the Program Wizard or Editor, select functions for preparing the sample or standard for analysis. Functions entered here are grouped together in the program and executed before the timed commands (commands that are executed at a specific time in the program). When the sample preparation functions are grouped, the SP can overlap sample preparation. This reduces the time between injections. For details, see  Overlapping Sample Preparation Functions.



Add sample preparation functions to this table in the order in which you want the functions performed.


Select a function to be added to the Event/Function/Parameters table. The Function list shows only the functions for the components installed in the particular SP.  

After you select a function, the parameters for that function are displayed. Select the desired parameters and click Insert or Append to add the function and selected parameters to the table.

For descriptions of the functions and their associated parameters, see Sample Preparation Function Descriptions.


Adds the function and parameters selected in the Function list to the table. The function is added above the current function in the table.


Adds the function and parameters selected in the Function list to the end of the table.


Removes the function and parameters selected in the table.


Select a function to be modified, edit its parameters or select a different function, and click Modify. The new function/parameters replace the previous function/parameters.


Moves the function selected in the table up in the list.


Moves the function selected in the table down in the list.




For information about entering sample preparation functions to be executed at specified program times, see the SP Timed Sample Preparation Options page.

Sample Preparation Function Descriptions

Solenoid Valves

To control the flow of sample, standard, check standard, and diluent through the SP components, select SolenoidValves in the Function list and turn each solenoid valve on or off.

The function performed by a solenoid valve when it is on depends on which components are installed in the SP and how they are plumbed.

For assistance when selecting valve positions for an SP1 or SP2, refer to the following topics:

SP1 Flow Path and Valve Control (Concentration)

SP2 Flow Path and Valve Control (Dilution)

Rotary Valves

To control the valve position, select RotaryValve_1, RotaryValve_2, or RotaryValve_3 in the Function list and select the valve position. The available positions depend on the type of valve installed.

For a 10-port, 2-position metering valve installed in an SP1 or SP2, the positions perform the following functions:

Position 10–1—delivers diluent and the loop contents to the dilution vessel

Position 1–2— loads sample or standard into the loop for delivery to the dilution vessel

Dilution Pump and Loading Pump

Delay (DelaySP)

To wait a specified time before continuing to the next sample preparation function, select Delay in the Function list and specify the length (Duration) of the delay.



Dilute, Load, and Delay (DelaySP) are not available as timed commands. They are only available as steps in the group of sample preparation commands defined by BeginSPSamplePrep and EndSPSamplePrep (see Entering Sample Preparation Commands for more information).

Mixer Motor, DC Voltage Control, Vessel Heater, and Vial Cooler

To turn on the component, select MixerMotor, DCVoltageControl, VesselHeater, or VialCooler in the Function list and select the check box. Specify the parameter for the function:


Specify the percentage of maximum speed at which the motor should run.


Specify the voltage output of the DC voltage control option.


Specify the temperature set point for the vessel heater option.


Specify the temperature set point for the vial cooler option.